Maynard Alley Murals
The Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority and the Maynard Alley Partnership, a group of community members and stakeholders, have partnered to reshape and transform Maynard Alley into a more vibrant and dynamic place. Local architecture firm zeroplus was brought on to assist with community engagement and the creation of the Maynard Alley Vision Plan in 2019. Art was one of the recommendations from the vision plan and murals were the most desirable art elements among the community.
The beautiful murals are painted by local Seattle artists (from left to right) Angelina Villalobos, Zoulie Deng, Tom Dang, and Taylor Yingshi. Artists were asked to interpret the theme of “the red thread,” which is based on a Chinese proverb–”an invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.” Special thanks to the City of Seattle Office of Economic Development, Office of Arts & Culture, and Historic South Downtown for making this project a possibility.
Maynard Alley 壁画
西雅图唐人街国际区保护和发展局与由社区成员和利益相关者组成的 Maynard Alley Partnership 合作,将 Maynard Alley 重塑和改造为一个更加充满活力和活力的地方。当地建筑公司 Zeroplus 受邀协助社区参与,并于 2019 年制定了梅纳德巷愿景计划。艺术是愿景计划的建议之一,而壁画是社区中最理想的艺术元素。
这些美丽的壁画是由西雅图当地艺术家(从左到右)Angelina Villalobos、Zoulie Deng、Tom Dang 和 Taylor Yingshi 绘制的。艺术家们被要求诠释“红线”这一主题,它取自中国的一句谚语——“一根看不见的红线,将有缘人联系在一起,无论时间、地点、环境。”线可能会拉伸或缠结,但永远不会断裂。”特别感谢西雅图市经济发展办公室、艺术文化办公室和 Historic South Downtown 使该项目成为可能。