SEATTLE – The Board of Directors of the Seattle Chinatown International District Preservation and Development Authority (SCIDpda) is pleased to announce the selection and appointment of Jamie Lee and Jared Jonson as the new Co-Executive Directors of the organization. They will begin their roles effective October 3, 2022.
“We are thrilled for Jamie and Jared to advance SCIDpda’s mission in serving the Chinatown International District neighborhood and community,” said Board President Mindy Au. “They bring with them long-standing relationships and connections to the neighborhood’s stakeholders, historical knowledge of SCIDpda that will allow for stability and growth, and demonstrated commitments to serving the community and furthering equity. Jamie and Jared have helped SCIDpda navigate through some of its most exciting, difficult, and transformational times, and we are excited to see them lead the organization into a new chapter.”
Prior to their appointments to co-executive director, both Jamie and Jared served on SCIDpda’s senior management team.
Jamie has nearly 20 years of experience in the non-profit and public sector, and has held leadership roles at SCIDpda for eight of those years. She most recently served as SCIDpda’s Director of Community Initiatives, overseeing external partnerships, fundraising, small business assistance, public space design, and neighborhood safety. Jamie is currently the Board Chair at International District Emergency Center, and has served on a number of other boards and committees, including Chinatown International District Business Improvement Area and Historic South Downtown. In 2021, Jamie received the Friend of Housing Community Crisis Response Award for her work supporting residents and small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jamie has a Master of Public Administration and a Master of Social Work from the University of Washington.
Jared has nearly 20 years of experience in the non-profit and public sector, and has served the SCIDpda on the board and staff for six years. Jared most recently served as SCIDpda’s Director of Property Operations, overseeing the department responsible for residential and commercial property management and maintenance, and prior to his staff role Jared served as Board President of SCIDpda’s Board of Directors for two years. Jared’s career includes roles in running political campaigns and building civic/political power for AANHPI communities, built environment policy and government relations roles at the King County Department of Transportation and the Urban Land Institute, and real estate development at Seattle Housing Authority. Jared has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science & Comparative Ethnic Studies from Washington State University.
“We are excited to embark on the next chapter of SCIDpda through a shared leadership model,” said Cindy Ju, Chair of the Search Committee. “We believe that the co-directorship is representative of the close collaboration across departments within the organization today and serves as a sustainable model for future leadership. Together as a team, Jamie and Jared are well-positioned to ensure the steady progression of SCIDpda’s programs serving CID residents and businesses, and manage the ongoing pipeline of real estate development that will expand SCIDpda’s impact on housing, economic viability, and services.”
Jamie and Jared have been heavily involved in SCIDpda’s mission-driven real estate development projects and advocacy work throughout their careers at SCIDpda. Their leadership escalated in these areas, in partnership with Interim Executive Director Vern Wood, after Maiko Winkler-Chin stepped down as Executive Director in March 2022.
“We are grateful for the opportunity to co-lead SCIDpda into its next chapter, and humbled by the trust placed in us by the SCIDpda Board and our key stakeholders—including Interim ED Vern Wood and former ED’s Maiko WinklerChin and Sue Taoka,” said Jamie and Jared. “The decision to change SCIDpda’s leadership structure was not taken lightly—we are truly excited about this change as a sustainable model for SCIDpda’s leadership for years to come.”